After we became competent using the collaborative robot we joined a tutorial group to learn how to use both the ABB Robot that VA use and the main welding robot used by TUAS. One of the difficulties of this class was that the robot technician did not speak English so the others in the class had to translate for us.
The first week focused on the ABB Robot and we learnt basic programming techniques. Our main task was to lift a box off one stool and place it on another.

Th next 2 weeks focused on writing a programme and using the welding robot to weld two bits of metal together.

Overall we were quite proud of our weld and it showed us once you get the programme set up how quick the actual welding process is.

The final class focused on welding while the fixture was moving as well as the robot. This better reflects what would happen in a real manufacturing plant as parts will be constantly moving. We also learnt how to weld in circle using the MoveC feature which was pretty cool!

This class will hopefully be beneficial for our testing phase as we now know how to programme each robot and complete simple tasks. In our testing phase we will be using the ABB Robot to reflect what VA use in their factories. Here is a video of our final weld, enjoy!